Sunday 18 October 2015

Camosun Bog

Please enjoy some of our poems that were inspired by our recent trip to Camosun Bog.

Bog, by Clara
The leaves flickering like a candle
As I walk through the bog
It was quiet in the bog
All you could hear was the evergreen trees swaying back and forth
The birds chirping and the wind howling like a wolf
Waves of wind came tumbling over like an earthquake.

The Bog, by Holden
The wind
blows through me
I feel cold
It feels like ice

When I was at the Bog, by Sadie
The birds were soaring 
through the branches of the dark green leaves from the pine trees
The leaves whispered in the wind

Camosun Fun, by Quinlan
I walked through the Bog
With the wind blowing through my face
As soft as a chickadee's wings.
I walked a little further
Suddenly I heard what I was waiting for
The chattering of the leaves
It felt like I was in Paradise

Bog, by Clare
I walk through the bog
I smell chocolately thick mud
I hear leaves whispering to one another
I feel the hairy orange underleafs of Labrador Tea
The bird are singing in a chorus
I jump on the peat
I jump so high
It is like I am flying
I smell the Cedar coming from the distance
I knew I would have to go home soon

Calendar Time

Rather than the traditional calendar time
where the class sits and watches while 
the special helper does the calendar jobs,
every student has their own calendar folder
where they track the number of days at
school, keep the monthly calendar including
special events, tally the weather, and develop 
their number sense by creating equations that
equal the date of number of days at school.