Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Fabulous Fog

I happened to be up on UBC campus today and
had to stop and take a picture of this amazing view. 
The fog has inspired division 4 to write some incred-
ible poems this week.  We took a break from class to 
sneak outside and study the fog's moisture clinging
to the many spider webs in the trees outside the school.
The webs are so delicate and intricate and as the wet
fog clings to each thread, it highlights these amazing
architectural feats of nature.  The poems need a little 
polishing before we publish them but it will be worth
the wait!  The students have been learning about using
"juicy, delicious" words and similes in their writing
and how using these devices in their writing can create 
vivid pictures in their readers' minds.  

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